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Fratia - -site despre orange chat-
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Majoritatea celor de pe Orange Chat sunt impotriva Fratiei. Dc? Pai sa va zic :) . Cei ce au ceva cu Fratia,cei ce pomenesc nick-urile noastre pe d0m-uri si ne injura ,este rezultatul faptului ca au fost "umiliti" de catre n0i ,s-au se cred "smecheri" virtuali si vor sa ne "umileasca" floodand cu mesaje sau profile ,de la 7 dimineata in continuu ... Mie m-i se pare aiurea sa stai toata ziua pe chat si sa floodezi ca tembelul. App pentru cei ce nu inteleg termenul de "fratie" ,acesta este dat pt ca noi cei din fratie mergem pe o premiza : "toti pt unul si unul pt toti " ;) .

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[2018-07-21 18:49] Targeted website visitors:

I discovered your Fratia - -site despre orange chat- page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Start your free trial: Unsubscribe here:
Targeted website visitors

[2018-06-04 21:46] Amber Stevens:

I came to your Fratia - -site despre orange chat- page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Start your free trial: Unsubscribe here:

[2018-05-02 07:15] Kerry Beck:

This is a comment to the Fratia - -site despre orange chat- webmaster. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your website: - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here:

[2018-04-22 15:13] Kerry Beck:

I came to your Fratia - -site despre orange chat- page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Start your free trial: Unsubscribe here:

[2018-04-15 22:55] Kerry Beck:

This is a message to the Fratia - -site despre orange chat- admin. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your site: - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here:

[2018-04-02 06:57] Kerry Beck:

This is a comment to the Fratia - -site despre orange chat- admin. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your website: - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here:

[2018-03-26 00:41] Kerry Beck:

Do you need more people to visit your website? We have a 7 day free trial that will drive targeted visitors to your website. If you have been struggling with getting your website in front of people then come try our traffic service risk free. Just click the link below to check out our service and select your package, each package includes a 7 day free trial period. There is no catch, if you don't like the service you can cancel during the trial period you will not be charged anything. These visitors are all targeted by the keywords and countries that you submit when you place your order. Start your free trial today: Unsubscribe here:

[2018-03-13 05:42] Ramona Jordan:

I discovered your Fratia - -site despre orange chat- page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Check it out here: Unsubscribe here:

[2018-03-06 09:10] Ramona Jordan:

This is a message to the Fratia - -site despre orange chat- webmaster. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your site: - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here:

[2017-04-27 07:20] terapy:

asta e fratia? io sunt terapy de pa bestwap

[2015-03-16 08:49] chat orange:


[2014-08-12 09:17] AVOCATDINOFICIU:

hai sal'tare voua si multani mie.
haideti sa va zic eu ceva despre orange chat. Este un site de socializare de tot cacatul unde intra orice persoana care nu are nimic de facut in afara de a flooda si clona profile sa nu mentionez ca pe orange chat mai mult de jumatate de useri sunt detinutii din penitenciare si tarfe care se vand pe 2 euro credi. Cum am mentionat mai devreme, este un chat pe care lumea intra din pura plictiseala. Si cat despre pustanii din spatele tastaturii care sufera de jmecherie flodand si clonand profilele altor useri, nu fac decat sa se faca de tot cacatul si sasi faca reclama ca ei sufare de nebagare in seama. Sa aveti o zi frumoasa in continuare.

[2012-01-09 11:15] Robert:

exista asa ceva?:))

[2011-12-21 17:36] an0nim:

Da,este stupid floodul cu profilele ,iar in legatura cu fratia nu ma pronunt . .

[2012-01-12 11:44] since:

Seagal a fost chemat sa joace intr-un nou film. .n-are timp de chat :))))

[2012-01-11 21:57] Robert:

Oana,ai dreptate cu privinta la Segal. Pe ala il chinuie talentul rau de tot =) ,de la un timp nu-l mai vad pe d0m-uri :))

[2011-12-22 22:21] toxik:

asa e...faza cu stima si cu respect,umilinta.....e penala ;)...dar nu iti fa griji,erau si eu odata la faza aia ;)) dar acum gandesc lucid ;))

[2011-12-22 07:31] ©StriKer:

Ii raspund: "Salut Bogdan" ;). Inca o chestie, "Re" nu vine de la "respect" ;)) De cand unii au dat-o in cocalareli, nu se mai stie ca, de fapt, intaia oara s-a spus "Re" ca derivare de la "salutaRE" sau prescurtarea "sal'RE". Eu as respecta persoane care au facut ceva intr-adevar, nu toti idiotii de pe chat ;))

[2011-12-22 06:22] Robert:

In fine...Iar in legatura cu Respectul,stima....Atata timp cat sunt "respectat" de altii si nus injurat ,respect si eu acele persoane..nui asa?zi tu...daca de exeplu Bogdan tiar zice :" Re Mihai sau Stima Mihai" , tu ce iai zice? i`ai raspunde cu injuraturi?sau il saluti si tu...iti spun ca niste prietenii din astea virtuale pot crea automat respecte :)

[2011-12-22 06:17] Striker:

Pe cand voi ce? Tu nu iti dai seama ca din moment ce se creeaza o astfel de tampenie ("fratie"), automat se aduce scandal. Era liniste pana sa se gaseasca un cacacios incapabil, sa intre cu idiotenii in genu'. Eu nu m-am luat de nimeni fara motiv personal, insa voi gasiti constructiv sa injurati pentru ca alt imbecil dintre voi, s-a certat cu altul care nu e in "fratie" =). Si cat despre respect, spune-mi mie ca tu il respecti pe dark, par example, si eu ma prefac ,ca te cred =)).

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